Volkan Ortalan

Associate Professor

Department of Materials Science and Engineering


Ph.D., University of California (2010)

Research Focus

  • Ultrafast Electron Microscopy
  • Aberration-corrected In-situ TEM
  • Heterogeneous Catalysts
  • Materials Under Extreme Conditions
  • Polymers
  • Low-dimensional Materials
  • Additive Manufacturing

Awards and Honors

  • 2016 – ONR Young Investigator Program (YIP) Award
  • 2013 – Perdue Seeds of Success Award DoD-MURI
  • 2014 – Perdue Seeds of Success Award NSF-DMREF
  •           – Distinguished Ugo Fano Fellowship, Argonne National Laboratory
  •           – Distinguished Scholar Award, Microbeam Analysis Society

Current Publications

“Investigation of the metatectic reaction in Fe-B alloys using zone melting” K. Luitjohan, Ortalan, M.J.M. Krane and D. Johnson, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 732, 498- 505, (2018).

“Two-component additive manufacturing of nanothermite structures via reactive inkjet printing”, A.K. Murray, T. Isik, V. Ortalan, I.E. Gunduz, S.F. Son, G.T.C. Chiu and J.F. Rhoads, Journal of Applied Physics 122, 18490 l, (2017).

“Amorphous Carbon Derived from Pistachio-Shell as a Promising Anode for Sodium-ion Storage”, K. Kim, D.G. Lim, C.W. Han, S. Osswald, V. Ortalan, J.P. Youngblood, and V.G. Pol, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 5, 8720-8728, (2017).

“Participation of Interfacial Hydroxyl Groups in the Water-Gas Shift Reaction over Au/MgO Catalysts”, Y. Cui, Z. Li, Z. Zhao, V. Cybulskis, K.D. Sabnis, C.W. Han, V. Ortalan, W.F. Schneider, J. Greeley, W.N. Delgass and F.H. Ribeiro, Catalysis Science & Technology 1, 5257-5266, (2017).

“Strain-modulated exchange spring magnetic behavior in amorphous TbFe thin films”, T. Lee, M.K. Panduranga, C.W. Han, V. Ortalan, G.P. Carman, Physical Review Applied 8, 024024, (2017).

“A Discovery of Strong Metal-Support Bonding in Nano-engineered Au-Fe3O4 Dumbbell-like Nanoparticles by In-situ Transmission Electron Microscopy”, C.W. Han, T. Choksi, C. Milligan, P. Majumdar, M. Manto, Y. Cui, X. Sang, R.R. Unocic, D. Zemlyanov, C. Wang, F.H. Ribeiro, J. Greeley and V. Ortalan, Nano Letters 17, 4576- 4582, (2017).

“Synergetic Effect of Bimetallic Au-Ru/TiO2 Catalysts for Complete Methanol Oxidation”, L.A. Calzada, S. Collins, C.W. Han, V. Ortalan, R. Zanella, Applied Catalysis B 201, 79-92, (2017).

“Ignition Dynamics and Microexplosion of Composite Aluminum Fuel Particles Containing Polymer Inclusions”, M.A. Rubio, E.I. Gunduz, L.J. Groven, T.R. Sippel, C.W. Han, R.R. Unocic, V. Ortalan, and S.F. Son, Combustion and Flame 176, 162-171 (2017).

“Towards the low-dose characterization of beam sensitive nanostructures via implementation of sparse image acquisition in scanning transmission electron microscopy”, S.H. Hwang, C.W. Han, S. Venkatakrishnan, C.A. Bouman, and V. Ortalan, Measurement Science and Technology 28, 45402 (2017).

“Simulation of the vortex dynamics in a real pinning landscape of YBa2C u3O1 coated conductors”, I.A. Sadovskyy, A.E. Koshelev, A. Glatz, V. Ortalan, M.W. Rupich, and M. Leroux, Physical Review Applied 5, 014011 (2016).

Volkan Ortalan
Contact Information
Mailing Address25 King Hill Road, Unit 3136, Storrs, CT 06269-3136
Office LocationScience 1 - MZ203