Ki Chon

Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor

Krenicki Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Department of Biomedical Engineering


  • Post-doctoral Fellow, MIT
  • Ph.D., University of Southern California

Research Focus

  • Evaluation of the effects of oxygen toxicity and hyperbaric environments on the autonomic nervous system
  • Real-time detection of atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter and atrial tachycardia from surface ECG
  • Spatio-temporal analysis of renal autoregulation
  • Noninvasive assessment of diabetic cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy (DCAN) from surface ECG or pulse oximeter
  • Vital sign monitoring from optical recordings with a mobile phone
  • Wearable devices for vital sign monitoring


  • Krenicki Endowed Chair Professor at UConn
  • Fellow, International Academy of Medical and Biological Engineering (IAMBE)
  • Fellow, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE)
  • Program Co-Chair, 28th International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, 2006, NYC.


Dao, D.K., S.M.A. Salehizadeh, Y. Noh, J.W. Chong, C.H. Cho, D.D. McManus, C. Darling, Y. Mendelson and K.H. Chon, A robust motion artifact detection algorithm for photoplethysmogram signals using time-frequency spectral features, IEEE J. Biomedical Health Informatics, In Press.

Posada-Quintero H.F., R. Rood, K. Burnham, J. Pennace, and K.H. Chon, Assessment of a novel carbon/salt adhesive electrodes for surface electromyography measurements, IEEE J. of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, In Press.

Scully, C.G., N. Mitrou, B. Braam, W.A. Cupples and K.H. Chon, An approach to detect quadratic phase coupling between the renal autoregulation mechanisms in time and space, IEEE Trans. Biomedical Engineering, In Press.

Posada-Quintero, H., J.P. Florian, A.D. Orjuela-Cañon, T. Aljama-Corrales, S. Charleston-Villalobos and K.H. Chon, Power spectral density analysis of electrodermal activity for sympathetic function assessment, Annals of BME, In Press.

Reyes, B.A., N. Reljin, Y. Kong, Y. Nam, S. Ha, and K.H. Chon, Calibration via an Incentive Spirometer for Smartphone-based Tidal Volume Estimation, Sensors, In Press.

Reyes, B.A., N. Reljin, Y. Kong, Y. Nam, S.H. Ha and K.H. Chon, Tidal volume and instantaneous respiratory rate estimation using smartphone camera, IEEE J. Biomedical Health Informatics, In Press.

Salehizadeh, S.M.A., D. Dao, J. Bolkhovsky, C. Cho, Y. Mendelson, C. Darling and K.H. Chon. A novel time-varying spectral filtering algorithm for reconstruction of motion artifact corrupted heart rate signals during intensive physical activities using a wearable photoplethysmogram sensor, Sensors, In Press.

Posada-Quintero H.F., J.P. Florian, A.D. Orjuela, and K.H. Chon, Highly sensitive index of sympathetic activity based on time-frequency spectral analysis of electrodermal activity, Am. J. Physiol. (Reg Integr Comp Physiol), 311:R582-R591, 2016.

Reyes, B.A., N. Reljin, Y. Kong, Y. Nam and K.H. Chon, Towards the development of a mobile phonopneumogram: automatic breath-phase classification using smartphones, Annals of BME, 44, Issue 9, pp 2746–2759, 2016.

Noh, Y., J. Bales, B. Reyes, J. Molignano, A.L. Clement, G.D. Pins, J. Florian, and K.H. Chon, A Copper-Meshed CB/PDMS Electrode for Underwater ECG Monitoring: Comparison with commercial electrodes in fresh, salt, & chlorine water, Annals of BME, 44:2464-2479, 2016.

Ki Chon
Contact Information
Mailing Address260 Glenbrook Road, Unit 3247, Storrs, CT 06269-3247
Office LocationA.B. Bronwell Building, 217C