Ilya Sochnikov

Associate Professor

Department of Physics


  • Postdoctoral Certificate, Stanford University, “Scanning SQUID Microscopy of Topological Materials”, 2011-2015
  • Ph.D., Physics, Bar-Ilan University (Israel), 2012
  • M.S. Physics, Bar-Ilan University (Israel), 2006
  • B.S., Physics and Computer Science, Bar-Ilan University (Israel) 2004.

Research Focus

Ilya studies emergent phenomena in several condensed matter systems. The main tool for these experiments is the state of the art magnetic SQUID microscopy. In this context emergent phenomena includes quantum phase transitions. An emergence of a new phenomenon or a phase transition may occur when interactions in the materials are tuned via chemical, mechanical, or electromagnetic knobs. The material systems of an immediate interest include topological insulators, superconductors, and frustrated magnets.

Awards and Honors

  • 2009-2011 Eshkol Fellowship, Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology
  • 2008-2009 Excellence in Research Award & Fellowship, Institute for Nanotechnology, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
  • 2006-2009 President’s Graduate Fellowship, Bar-Ilan University, Israel


Zhou, L. Chen, Y. Liu, I. Sochnikov, A. T. Bollinger, M.-G. Han, Y. Zhu, X. He, I. Bozovic & D. Natelson, Electron pairing in the pseudogap state revealed by shot noise in copper-oxide junctions, Nature 572, p 493–496 (2019).

Cerbin and I. Sochnikov, Isolation solution for extreme environmental vibrations for quantum-enabling cryogenic setups installed on raised frames, Review of Scientific Instruments 90, 083903 (2019).

Herrera and I. Sochnikov, Precision measurements of the AC field dependence of the superconducting transition in strontium titanate, accepted, preprint arXiv:1907.01733, in press, DOI: 10.1007/s10948-019-05282-7, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism (2019).

Herrera and I. Sochnikov, A local maximum in the superconducting transition temperature of Nb-doped strontium titanate under uniaxial compressive stress, accepted, preprint arXiv:1907.11079,, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism (2019).

Herrera, J. Cerbin, K. Dunnett, A. Balatsky and I. Sochnikov, Strain-engineered interaction of quantum polar and superconducting phases, under review in Physical Review, preprint available at, (2018).

A. Watson*, I. Sochnikov*, J. R. Kirtley, R. J. Cava, K. A. Moler, Real-space imaging and flux noise spectroscopy of magnetic dynamics in Ho2Ti2O7, under review in Phys. Rev. B, preprint arXiv:1903.11465, (2019), *equal contributors.

Dunnet, A. V. Balatsky, I. Sochnikov, Interacting Orders in Strontium Titanate, advanced stages for Physical Review Materials (2019)

Curry, S. Sahoo, C. Herrera, I. Sochnikov, P. Alpay, R. Hebert, B. Willis, J. Qi, J. N. Hancock, Optical Properties of intermetallic alloys for applications in additive manufacturing, advanced stages for Physical Review Applied, 2019.

Sochnikov, B. Kalisky, A practical guide for a quantum engineer: design, and modelling of DC SQUIDs for qubit-readouts and magnetic field detection in the atto-Tesla range, advanced stages for Physical Review Applied (2019).

Franklin, C. Herrera, I. Bozovic, and I. Sochnikov Local scanning SQUID response in cuprates, advanced stages for Physical Review Letters (2019).

Sochnikov, A. V. Balatsky, Anomalous Gruneisen parameter induced via strain, in preparation for Physical Review Letters (2019).

Zhou, L. Chen, Y. Liu, I. Sochnikov, A. T. Bollinger, M.-G. Han, Y. Zhu, X. He, I. Bozovic & D. Natelson, Tunneling spectral features in cuprate Josephson junctions, in preparation for Nature (2019).

Ilya Sochnikov
Contact Information
Mailing Address196 Auditorium Road
Storrs, CT 06269-3046
Office LocationGant Complex