Jason N. Hancock


Department of Physics


  • Ph.D., Physics, University of California, Santa Cruz, 2005
  • M.Sc., Physics, University of California, Santa Cruz, 2000
  • B.Sc., Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1998

Research Focus

  • Experimental condensed matter physics with general research interest in strongly correlated electron systems
  • Studies of charge excitations in novel materials, including high temperature superconductors and topological insulators
  • Infrared and terahertz spectroscopy; inelastic resonant X-ray scattering


  • Physics Department Service Award, UC Santa Cruz, June 2005
  • Founding member, UCSC Physics Journal Club (with Trieu T. Mai) Spring 2004
  • Member, American Physical Society, 2000-present
  • UC Regents PhD Fellowship, Fall 1998-Winter 1999
  • Member of Golden Key National Honor Society, 1997-1998
  • Passed qualifying examinations upon arrival, UC Santa Cruz, August 1998
  • Graduated with Highest Honors (i.e. summa cum laude), Georgia Tech, 1998
  • Dean’s List, Georgia Tech, 1995-1998
  • Dean’s List, Georgia Southern University, 1995


Connor A. Occhilaini, Erin B. Curry, Sahan U. Handunkanda, Jason N. Hancock, Classical, Quantum, and Thermodynamics of a model exhibiting strong negative thermal expansion, (to appear, PRB)

Sahan U. Handunkanda, Connor A. Occhialini, Ayman H. Said, and Jason N. Hancock, Two-dimensional nanoscale correlations in the strong negative thermal expansion material ScF3, Physical Review B, 94, 214102 (2016).

J. N. Hancock, I. Jarrige, The promise of resonant inelastic X-ray scattering for modern Kondo physics, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 400, 41-46 (2016)

S. U. Handunkanda, E. B. Curry, V. Voronov, A. H. Said, G. G. Guzman-Verri, R. T. Brierley, P. B. Littlewood, J. N. Hancock, Large isotropic negative thermal expansion above a structural quantum phase transition, Physical Review B 92, 134101 (2015)

I.Jarrige, A. Kotani, H. Yamaoka, N. Tsujii, M. Upton, D. Casa, J. Kim, T. Gog, J. N. Hancock, Kondo interactions through band reconstruction in YbInCu4, Physical Review Letters 112, 126401 (2015)

B. Barbiellini J. N. Hancock, C. Monney, Y. Joly, G. Ghiringhelli, L. Braicovich, and T. Schmitt, Inelastic x-ray scattering from valence electrons near absorption edges of FeTe and TiSe2, Physical Review B 89, 235138 (2014)

Julien Levallois, Piotr Chudzinski, Jason N. Hancock, Alexey B. Kuzmenko, Dirk van der Marel, Magnetoplasmon resonances in polycrystalline bismuth as seen via time-domain terahertz spectroscopy, Phys Rev B 89, 155123 (2014)

S.I. Mirzaei, D. Stricker, J. N. Hancock, C. Berthod, A. Georges, E. van Heumen, M. K. Chan, X. Zhao, Y. Li, M. Greven, N. Barišić, D. van der Marel, Evidence for a Fermi liquid in the pseudogap phase of high-Tc cuprates, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, (2013)

R. Comin, G. Levy, B. Ludbrook, Z.-H. Zhu, C.N. Veenstra, J.A. Rosen, Yogesh Singh, P. Gegenwart, D. Stricker, J.N. Hancock, D. van der Marel, I.S. Elfimov, A. Damascelli, “Na2IrO3 as a Novel Relativistic Mott Insulator with a 350 meV gap,” Physical Review Letters 109, 266406 (2012).

Jason Hancock
Contact Information
Mailing Address196 Auditorium Road, Storrs, CT 06269-3046