Yuanyuan Zhu

MSE Honors Program Director

Associate Professor

Department of Materials Science and Engineering


Ph.D., Texas A&M University, USA (2013)

Research Focus

  • Development of new electron microscopy methods and instrumentation
  • Heterogenous catalysis and catalysts’ life cycle
  • In-situ environmental scanning transmission electron microscopy (ESTEM) of solid-gas reactions
  • Nuclear irradiation effects of reactor structural alloys
  • Diffraction Contrast Imaging STEM (DCI STEM) for Metallurgy
  • Atomic-scale perovskite heterostructures and 2D materials
  • Aberration-corrected STEM, low-dose imaging and chemical analysis
  • Computer-aided high throughput image analysis


R. Sainju, W-Y Chen, S. Schaefer, Q. Yang, C. Ding, M. Li, Y. Zhu*, DefectTrack: a deep learning-based multi-object tracking algorithm for quantitative defect analysis of in-situ TEM videos in real-time. Scientific Reports, 2022, https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-19697-1

R. Sainju, D. Rathnayake, H. Tan, G. Bollas, A. M. Dongare, S. L. Suib, Y. Zhu*, In Situ Studies of Single-Nanoparticle-Level Nickel Thermal Oxidation: From Early Oxide Nucleation to Diffusion-Balanced Oxide Thickening. ACS Nano, 2022, https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsnano.2c00742

Jiang, Y. Zhu, L. Zhang, D. J. Edwards, N. R. Overman, G. Nandipati, W. Setyawan, C. H. Henager Jr., & R. J. Kurtz, Dose rate effects on damage accumulation and void growth in self-ion irradiated tungsten. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 550, 2021, 152905

M. Togaru, R. Sainju, L. Zhang, W. Jiang, Y. Zhu*, Direct observation of tungsten oxidation studied by in situ environmental TEM, Materials Characterization, 174, 2021, 111016.
Invited paper to the special issue, “Characterization of Advanced Nuclear Materials under Extreme Environments”

S. Cunningham, K. Hattar, Y. Zhu, D. J. Edwards, J. R. Trelewicz, Suppressing Irradiation Induced Grain Growth and Defect Accumulation in Nanocrystalline Tungsten through Grain Boundary Doping, Acta Materialia, 206, 2021, 116629

Pazdernik, N. L. LaHaye, C. M. Artman, Y. Zhu, Microstructural classification of unirradiated LiAlO2 pellets by deep learning methods. Computational Materials Science, 181, 2020, 109728

Hu, L. Jin, Y. Zhu, L. Zhang, X. Lu, P. Kerns, X. Su, S. Cao, P. Gao, S. L. Suib, J. He. Self-limiting growth of ligand-free ultrasmall bimetallic nanoparticles on carbon through under temperature reduction for highly efficient methanol electrooxidation and selective hydrogenation. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 264, 2020, 118553

Hu, W. Yang, H. Tan, L. Jin, L. Zhang, P. Kerns, Y. Dang, S. Dissanayake, S. Schaefer, B. Liu*, Y. Zhu*, S. L. Suib*, J. He*, Template-free Synthesis of Mesoporous and Crystalline Transition Metal Oxide Nanoplates with Abundant Surface Defects. Matter, 2, 2020, 1244-1259

Roberts, S. Y. Haile, R. Sainju, D. J. Edwards, B. Hutchinson, Y. Zhu*, Deep Learning for Semantic Segmentation of Defects in Advanced STEM Images of Steels. Scientific reports, 9, 2019, 1-12

Jiang, Y. Zhu, L. Zhang, D. J. Edwards, N. R. Overman, G. Nandipati, W. Setyawan, C. H. Henager Jr., & R. J. Kurtz, Dose Rate Effects on Disordering Rate and Void Growth in Self-Ion Irradiated Tungsten. Available at SSRN 3427545, 2019

D. Melzer, G. Mestl, K. Wanninger, Y. Zhu, N. D. Browning, M. Sanchez-Sanchez*, J. A. Lercher*, Design and synthesis of highly active MoVTeNb-oxides for ethane oxidative dehydrogenation, Nature Communication, 10, 2019, 1-9


Yuanyuan Zhu
Contact Information
Mailing Address25 King Hill Road, Unit 3136, Storrs, CT 06269-3136
Office LocationScience 1 - MZ1015