For nearly 60 years, the UConn Institute of Materials Science (UConn IMS) has invested in scientific development within the state of Connecticut, across the nation and around the globe. Our students, faculty, staff and alumni continue to make countless contribution made possible by the educational, outreach, and research efforts of UConn IMS. We are home to more than 150 graduate students performing research in our materials science, materials science and engineering, and polymer science programs.
Please consider donating to the institute as we make strides toward a richer future. Your donation to the fund(s) of your choice will directly impact our efforts to keep our research infrastructure and graduate education programs strong.

IMS General Fund Account (20312)
Gifts to the IMS General Fund support all
UConn IMS activities, from maintenance of
supplies to industrial collaborations.

IMS Polymer Mixture Thermodynamics (20334)
Gifts to the IMS/Polymer Mixture Thermodynamics
Fund provide support for research through the
University on polymer mixtures.

IMS Surface Science Research Fund (20328)
Gifts to the Surface Science Research Fund provide
support for research at the Institute of Materials Science.

IMS Reading Room Endowment (0030163)
Gifts to the IMS Reading Room Endowment provide
the Institute of Materials Science reading room with
journals and reference books relating to materials science.

Stephanie H. Shaw Alumni Fellowship Fund (0022176)
Gifts to the Stephanie H. Shaw Alumni Fellowship
Fund support female Ph.D. students in the Institute
of Materials Science Polymer Program.

IMS Endowment Fund (0030264)
Gifts to the IMS Endowment Fund provide
long-term financial support for the Institute
of Materials Science.

IMS Equipment and Maintenance (21753)
Gifts to the IMS Equipment and Maintenance Fund
provides cutting-edge equipment and maintainance
for the wide range of IMS advanced research facilities.

IMS Electrical Research Fund (20319)
Gifts to the Institute of Materials Science Electrical Research
provide support for research supplies and equipment.

Julian F. Johnson Alumni Fellowships Fund (22177)
Gifts to the Julian F. Johnson Alumni Fellowships fund provide
fellowships to graduate students in the IMS Polymer Program.
The Polymer Program is the only center in Connecticut
dedicated to research and education in polymer science and
engineering and is nationally and internationally recognized
for its excellence.