Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) – Thermo Fisher Nicolet Magna 560


Available Methods and Accessories

  • Specac Quest Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) w/diamond or germanium crystals
  • PIKE Technologies Grazing Angle (GA)

Summary of Technique

A sample is illuminated with infrared light, the absorption of which causes molecular vibrations in the sample. These vibrations are characteristic of functional groups in the sample. A representative spectrum is shown to the left with some of the evident functional groups denoted. FTIR is not able to determine connectivity of functional groups.

Information Provided & Detection Limits

FTIR-ATR is capable of determining the major organic chemical species present in a sample, with a detection limit of 1-5% by weight. FTIR-GA is used for analyzing monomolecular layers on a reflective surface.


DTGS detector for routine ATR analysis

MCT detector for improved signal-to-noise ratio for GA

KBr beamsplitter

Lab Location and Contact Information

Lab Location: GCMS Laboratory
Lab Manager: Capri Price